13 November, 2020

Find your own ANSWERS ❤💫

 People often tend to question themselves "Why do we always achieve anything , the hard way?" He/she gets it ready whereas I have to hog after it. WHY ?

We often blame it on destiny or fate. I too did the same a lot of times. It took me a lot of pain to realize that it wasn't that. It was because, We must have the FAITH in our hearts that there will be something that would never let anyone of us FALL completely. 

I hope you know that's not HUMPTY DUMPTY sitting on a wall and falling off. I am talking about a totally different kind of FALL , a FALL where you feel ashamed of yourself. 

Something works on a deeper level inside us, stirring our inner strength, building our faith , even during the most disheartening times. May be that's what LOVE is all about.

FAITH in the faceless, ( but my faith has a face) in a power that won't let you FALL.

I got my answers when I faced the circumstances, let them burn me and trouble me. I became open to recieve answers in a way the SUPERPOWER ( You can call it ALMIGHTY, GOD , give it names, faces and charecteristics ) wanted me to learn. 

Honestly, For me "Every BEING that walked the face of Earth is an embodiment of LOVE ".

 Some just know their POWER whereas others keep searching it, try snactching it, copying it or the worst, ie criticizing anothers'. That's total waste of Energy.

Walk in your own POWER, Shine in your own BEAUTY. Find your own ANSWERS. Come back to LOVE again and again.
