28 September, 2020

🌡🐷Guinea pigs🐷🌡

I was born a guinea pig, 
to a guinea pig , 
who was experimented upon,
By my parents, elders and forefathers, 
Who were guinea pigs too.

I was dozed with love,
Pain, punishment and sarcasm,
Difficult to tolerate, 
Impossible to forget.

Later, I was dozed with false and lies
Of guilt and shame,
And Self- pity and blame,
They feeded my ears with stinky lies,
Lies that you are free,
And be whoever you want to be,

I was dozed with responsibilty,
They started checking my tolerance level,
May be it was normal,
So they concluded, I was a sane individual,

Then , they decided they want to ruin my sanctity,
So, they sought out ways and tricks,
To make me question my self worth by their unsuccessful pricks,
But here my friend,
They were unknowingly caught,
I saw the mark of an opperesor,
And, spoke back about the chaos,
I was rewarded with flowery language 
and fake admirations,
And relentlessly played upon with my emotions,

Then , they began a mad rat race !
An invisible , unknown race,
Among the guinea pigs, and made them hog,
Hogged till their minds rattled, 
Their hearts poisioned,
And their sanctities questioned,

But, something greater came to their rescue,
Struck with oneness and love , out of the blue,
They realized it sooner or later,
Whatever happened, whoever did it, 
They all were in it always together.
No one was superior or down the surface,
All the Guinea pigs were running a mad, mad race.