19 August, 2023

Collegues?? OR Friends??

You can open your mouth and tell people where they went wrong or what hurt you.

But, you cannot open your mind, pull on that nerve and get hold of that pulse which told you to stop.

You cannot open your heart and tap on that vein which told you to give up on those people who were giving you more doubts than love.

You cannot tell people, not to try to possess the other person because of other's insecurity, and always take a back-seat because if you do, their ego gets hurt.

Where they treat you well only when they need something from you, sideline you when their work is done, where they slyly compete against you, calling you names and putting you down infront of others, and when they openly scream out your little secrets and joys to a room full of people.

It reminds me of the time when I have swallowed the taunts and insults, disguised as jokes.

All I could do was to remove myself from the equation and move away from people that no longer felt mine.

AND, wish them well.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’œ

02 October, 2021

๐ŸUncoil Yourself ...Slowly๐Ÿ

Inch by inch,

Little by little,

Uncoil yourself slowly,

Cut yourself away,

Withdraw yourself,

Go invisible,

And remain unheard,

It was never done in a spat,

It did not happen on the drop of a hat,

They poisoned it slowly,

They poisoned it with their silliness,

Their unfaithfulness, 

Their unbothered overconfidence,

Because they were such super-confident ,

That you will stick by them,

No matter what they do,

You will run wild and mad if you don't find them,


You turned the tables so well,

And, your victory became their downfall,

Remember, While you were angered and hurt,

They merrily noticed it all and giggled,

How comfortably they failed to notice,

That, It took all the love out of you,

To forgive them time and again,

Freedom, Peace, Solitude and Love became your priceless gain,

I only wish that all the others,

Who come close to someone,

Who plays with their feelings,

Find the courage to pull themselves apart

And, notice the games from the start

Do not believe a face for its prettiness,

Do not believe greatness,

People fake it so well,

Believe what they do with it,

Unmask their souls and see them raw,

For that is where their god lives,

I hope you all find the courage,

To choose well between someone who is just playing around,

And , who will be up for you, 

When your world turns upside down.


Love and light❤๐Ÿ’ซ

04 July, 2021

๐ŸŒŠDive Deeper๐ŸŒŠ

 Let's Dive deeper,

Let's look beyond appearances,

Let's learn to read humans,

Beyond their physical appearances,

Beyond their popularity,

Beyond their material achievements,

Let's not be fooled by sweet words,

Real people are never always sweet, 


Sweet talkers are seldom real.

Let's Dive deeper,

Let's look beyond appearances.

Love and light


09 June, 2021

⏳Times' Up !!⏳

Know when your times' up!
Know when to leave the spot,
Walk with integrity,
Choose self- respect ,
over drama and despair,

Life goes in spirals,
Learn the lessons,
And leave the story,
You turn the tables ,
When you refuse to play ,
With a toxic connection,

Forgive them but never forget,
Do no harm but take no shit,
Your time will come ,
And everything will be a perfect fit,

Walk in solitude, pray with gratitude,
Love yourself while your journey looks blurred,
Only you know what you have endured,
So ,
Dance in grace,
Go back to your space,
Open your arms to the beauty of nature,
Allow your soul to be nutured.

Just Let Go.. and Surrender.
Love and light

02 January, 2021

2021 - Done right but...

So...the Nature enthusiast that I be.. I was waiting to capture the first sunrise of 2021. My father suggested of us going to Umbarligaon. As two excited photography lovers as we are , we started towards the destination.

Unusual of me, was I had decided to do some photosession , so BIRDING wasn't really on my list. I was simply intending to have some air, sun and wind inside me. We went to the spot whistling with the wind and enjoying the morning sun scribbled with clouds. We clicked some photos and sighted some birds. 

We decided to take our way back to home as we do when we got hungry or tired . We packed up and were ready to leave when our bike started wobbling on the roads. Dad understood that this was something unusual. So, he told a passer by to check the tire. The TIRE had punctured...on a BUSYROAD , AMIDST the jungle on both the sides. As protective as my father is, he told me catch a rickshaw and leave the spot. I simply denied and told him we will go together, NO MATTER WHAT !! 

I told my dad to handover me the camera bag, to which he was hesitant first but agreed later. He dragged the vehicle through the road, while I held the two heavy bags, mine behind and his in front. We dreaded together halfway looking for help but no avail. Gathering the remaining guts in him, he drove alone till the main road. The FRONT tire was working just fine. Now, I was alone carrying myself with the two bags on the first day of the month, looking weird to myself. 

I just had to keep my hopes high. I started walking in glee, took out my camera and started capturing birds sighted on my way. This was the time, I sighted a rarity of our region  ORIENTAL TURTLE DOVE. The bird was sighted for the second time after 2016.

After walking for a while , I was reaching the main road when Dad gave me a call that he found a garage. THANKING all the elements in the NATURE, I took heavy steps and walked towards the main road. Thankfully, the main road wasn't that far. Dad waited at the main road, got the puncture removed and then we left the place.

I just had a monologue with GOD about stopping the adventures in my life and I myself realized that,THIS IS HOW IT WILL ALWAYS BE...TAKE IT OR TAAKE ITT...THERE IS NO ESCAPE, BECAUSE HE (GOD) IS THE BOSS and everything will always be HIS WAY. 

And, For you all reading this, ALWAYS PUT GOD FIRST...ALWAYS !!
Amen to HISways...
Hail the CREATOR๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜‡



13 November, 2020

Find your own ANSWERS ❤๐Ÿ’ซ

 People often tend to question themselves "Why do we always achieve anything , the hard way?" He/she gets it ready whereas I have to hog after it. WHY ?

We often blame it on destiny or fate. I too did the same a lot of times. It took me a lot of pain to realize that it wasn't that. It was because, We must have the FAITH in our hearts that there will be something that would never let anyone of us FALL completely. 

I hope you know that's not HUMPTY DUMPTY sitting on a wall and falling off. I am talking about a totally different kind of FALL , a FALL where you feel ashamed of yourself. 

Something works on a deeper level inside us, stirring our inner strength, building our faith , even during the most disheartening times. May be that's what LOVE is all about.

FAITH in the faceless, ( but my faith has a face) in a power that won't let you FALL.

I got my answers when I faced the circumstances, let them burn me and trouble me. I became open to recieve answers in a way the SUPERPOWER ( You can call it ALMIGHTY, GOD , give it names, faces and charecteristics ) wanted me to learn. 

Honestly, For me "Every BEING that walked the face of Earth is an embodiment of LOVE ".

 Some just know their POWER whereas others keep searching it, try snactching it, copying it or the worst, ie criticizing anothers'. That's total waste of Energy.

Walk in your own POWER, Shine in your own BEAUTY. Find your own ANSWERS. Come back to LOVE again and again.
