05 February, 2012

A Lonely Child...

I met a child bruised and lonely,
He cried and cried till I heard him,
He wept like a caged bird,
And, asked for water and bread.

I felt his hunger and thirst,
but, Pitied his ignorance,
For it meant nothing but vain,
Because, He cried just for a piece of bread.

Pieces of bread I gathered and gave,
He saw it but never ate,
Now, I knew what he wanted,
For all he needed was love.

I knew the world's a big bad place,
And, He so lonely I could feel,
I held that child with all my love,
And, taught him grace and skill.

We played,danced and shared,
In rain and storm stood still,
From, nowhere sighed his mother,
Claiming she had owned him.

I submitted him to her gracefully,
For it was time to go,
And, I only prayed for his happiness,
Heartily, Thanking both of them,
For reminding me "What is Love?"...