20 December, 2010


Accept and redefine yourself  if you think you have been wrong but never hesitate from doing what is good. That doesn't at all mean we need to do only good deeds all the time to everyone. Show people your evil side too because that keeps you human. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes will only encourage you to improve. Never follow the rules anyone have laid down for you. Weigh the pros and cons of everything that you have agreed to believe in. Think what you can give out, to make the world a better place.

Love others as much as you love yourself. What hurts you, hurts the other person as well. Realize this in time. We are here to love each other. Scatter all that you have ever gathered. Utilize your time for doing at least a little service to humanity and fight for the causes you believe in. You can help to change the world to be at its best. Each one of you, are gifted with immense power of goodness. Its our duty to realize the tremendous power inside us and help to heal the world, by utilizing our talent and ability.

When we know, Our deeds heal someone
Fear Nothing!

18 December, 2010

God...The Almighty

When I'm sad and low,
No one but you console me,
Sometimes you appear like a beautiful flower
Sometimes like an innocent child
Sometimes you appear like a never- ending road
And I keep walking and walking
Sometimes you become my friend
Who cheers me up playfully
Erasing my secret fears
And I couldn't find them anymore
Whenever I'm happy
I could feel you smiling at me
Your presence works like magic
Or can merely be my own logic
But that's the way it works for me

Lost Love Empowering Life...

Here's revealing a concealed story
Of the love, I had lost
The false human pride 
Had tore my love,
And, It was the day, 
I'd stopped living

I knew what I had
The most precious gift of all
Yes! It was indeed LOVE
That which needs no reasons
That which I saw in his eyes
Every time we met

Even today, It resides in me
Safe and secure,
Buried d
eeply beneath and still alive
Are those beautiful memories,
We shared,those moments still pass by

But, A wonderful tomorrow still awaits,
Inviting me in its secure arms
To f
ight the battle of life,

With all the hope, I gathered
Within the confined realms of our LOVE...

Attributing a childhood friend

Here is a friend of mine
Whose heart does always shine
The quality of mercy suits you the best
And I wish that's never lost

You are that indispensable part
From my mind shall never depart
To you the memories, I surrender
Tears flow-off when those days, I remember

You too miss those days truly
And feel for the loss duly
But "Let me disclose you a thought"
Time and opportunity cannot be caught !

Better accept the present
And let go - off the past
Enjoy the only one life and smile today
The world keeps changing day after day